SELENIUM -------- DAY1 -------- 1.Introduction to selenium 2.Download jar file and drivers 3.Browser Launch QUESTIONS(Theory) ----------------- 1.What is Automation Testing and benefits? 2.Why should Selenium be selected as a test tool? 3.What is Selenium? What are the different Selenium components? 4.What is the difference between Selenium IDE, Selenium RC, and WebDriver? 5.What is the latest version of selenium jar file and how you will configure selenium jar file with eclipse? 6.Can Google Chrome be supported by Selenium IDE? 7.What are the different browsers supported by selenium? 8.What is the Classname,driver name for the below browsers, 1.Firefox browser 2.Chrome browser 3.IE 4.safari browser 5.Opera browser 9.What is the WebDriver and WebDriver is class or interface? 10.What is the method name to launch the url? 11.Method names to get the title and current URL? 12.What is the difference between close() and quit()? QUESTIONS(practical) ---------------------- 1.Launch the below URL's in firefox browser: ------------------------------------------- 1.Greens technologys - 2.Facebook - 3.Amazon - 4.Greens technologys- 2.Launch the below URL's in chrome browser: ------------------------------------------ 1.Greens technologys - 2.Gmail - 3.Flipkart - 4.Greens technology- 3.Launch the below URL's in IE browser: -------------------------------------- 1.Greens technologys - 2.DemoQa Registration 3.Greens technologys(selenium) - 4.