Core Java Training

Core JAVA Training in Chennai Course Content

Training for Certified Java Associate and Certified Java Programmer

    1.Getting Started with Java SE
  • What is Java?
  • History of Java
  • How to get Java
  • A first java program
  • Compiling and interpreting application
  • The JDK Directory Structure
  • Inside JVM
  • 2.Datatypes and Variables
  • Primitive Datatypes
  • Declarations
  • Variable Names
  • Numeric Literals
  • Character Literals
  • String
  • String Literals
  • Arrays
  • Non-Primitive Datatypes
  • The Dot Operator
  • 3.Operators and Expressions
  • Expressions
  • Assignment Operator
  • Arithmetic Operator
  • Relational Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Increment and Decrement Oprators
  • Oprate-Assign Operators(+=,etc.)
  • The Conditional Oprator
  • Operator Precedence
  • Implicit Type Conversions
  • The Cast Operator
  • 4.Control Flow
  • Statements
  • Conditional(if) Statements
  • Adding an else if
  • Conditional (switch) Statements
  • While and do-while Loops
  • For Loops
  • A For Loop Diagram
  • Enhanced For Loop
  • The continue Statement
  • The Break Statement
  • 5.Methods
  • Methods
  • Calling Methods
  • Defining Methods
  • Method Parameters
  • Scope
  • Variable argument parameters methods
  • 6.Object-Oriented Programming
  • Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
  • Classes and Objects
  • Constructors
  • Fields and Methods
  • Encapsulation
  • Interfaces
  • Access Control
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • Best Practies
  • 7.Inheritance in Java
  • Inheritance
  • Inheritance in Java
  • Casting
  • Method Overriding
  • Polymorphism
  • Super
  • The Object Class
  • 8.Inner Classes and Packages
  • Inner Classes Concept
  • Anonymous Inner Class
  • Static inner class
  • Packages
  • The import Statement
  • Static Imports
  • CLASSPATH and Import
  • Defining Packages
  • Package Scope
  • 9.Exception Handling
  • Exception Overview
  • Catching Exceptions
  • The Finally Block
  • Exception Methods
  • Declaring Exceptions
  • Defining and Throwing Exceptions
  • Errors and RuntimeExceptions
  • 10.Input/Output Streams
  • Overview of Streams
  • Bytes vs. Characters
  • Converting Byte Streams to Character Streams
  • File Object
  • Binary Input and Output
  • Print Writer Class
  • Reading and Writing Objects
  • Basic and Filtered Streams
  • File Class
  • Scanner Class
  • 11.MultiThreading in Java
  • Non-Threaded Applications
  • Threaded Applications
  • Creating Threads
  • Thread States
  • Runnable Threads
  • Coordinating Threads
  • Interrupting Threads
  • Runnable Interface
  • Synchronizing Threads
  • Interthread Communication
  • ThreadGroups
  • Advanced Locking Concepts
  • 12.Collection Framework and Generics
  • The Collection Framework
  • The Set Interface
  • Set Implementation Classes
  • The List Interface
  • List Implementation Classes
  • The Map Interface
  • Map Implementation Classes
  • Sorting with Comparator
  • Sorting Lists and Arrays
  • Collections Utility Methods
  • 13.Internalization and Property class
  • Internalizing application
  • Date Time formatter
  • Number Formatter
  • Properties class
  • 14.Introduction to standalone application and Applet
  • Introduction to AWT
  • Introduction to Swing
  • 15.Reflection API in Java
    16.Socket Programming and RMI
    17.Serialization Cloning and Annotation
    18.Garbage Collection in Java
    19.Introduction to JDBC and SQL
  • The JDBC Connectivity Model
  • JDBC Driver types
  • Loading drivers and Connecting to DB
  • Creating a SQL Query
  • Getting the Results
  • Updating Database Data
  • Database Metadata
  • Finishing Up
  • 20.Introduction to Eclipse and Ant

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